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2012-02-24  At Mobile World Congress, the premier event of the mobile calendar, Linpus is showing its Android ICS solutions for X86 for the first time

At Mobile World Congress, the premier event of the mobile calendar, Linpus is showing its Android ICS solutions for X86 for the first time

Posted: 2012-02-24



Linpus is also announcing a number of other new products including a HTML5 services application and the latest version of Linpus Lite Desktop Edition


MWC, Barcelona, February 27th – March 1st – At MWC, Linpus, a leader in the field of open source operating system solutions in the consumer space, is displaying their work customizing Android ICS for X86 netbooks and tablets – as well as their HTML5 work and several applications.  

Their recently announced Linpus Lite Android ICS is a value-added cross-platform Android with versions for Arm and for X86 architecture including: tablets, netbooks and notebooks. As Ice Cream Sandwich is principally designed for tablets and phones, Linpus has spent a lot of time to optimize for a full range of PC hardware. For example: power manager, openGL, HDMI out, LAN, BT, VGA out, WiFi, SD card auto-mount, hot keys, keyboard, web cam, resolution and fast-boot – as well as S3 and S4. Linpus has also added their own user interface layer specifically designed to improve ICS usability on a notebook, and deliver functionality that a user expects from that kind of device. 

They also announced that will be heavily investing in HTML5, with plans to integrate with their distribution and also create a number of applications. The first of these is an application that can launch both HTML5 and native applications and can be accessed by clicking an icon on the dock or through the browser. The application supports both multi and single touch, as well as pan gesture and mouse drag.

“As web storage is now becoming widespread, and consumers use more web-based applications, we noticed it was becoming more difficult and time-consuming to organize your files,” said Rita Jing, vice-president of sales, “We decided therefore to create a user experience that brought both web and local together in one interface, making it easier and quicker to copy files - and swap between applications.”

Linpus said their objective is to support a broader range of more standard HTML5 APIs including WAC and W3C. And, in the near future expand the application to provide a full range of cloud aggregation services. 

Linpus added that the application was designed to integrate tightly with the latest edition of their Linux distribution, Linpus Lite Desktop 1.7. This latest version is based on Gnome 3.2 but has a number of enhancements:

● Draggable dock with thumbnails of open windows and smart icons displaying number of incoming and unread messages from your email and social networks. 

● Two additional panels: Today panel to display your schedule for that day, RSS and the weater forecast and a Files panel to make searching and copying to the dock easier. 

● Added privacy - This application will also have added privacy support: it will be possible to set up a password specifically to access it, meaning you won't have to log out of all your social networks in order to protect their information. 

● Linpus YouTube, LiveDesktop and E-reader applications - Linpus E-reader has both cloud and local reading capabilities.

● LiveDesktop – Aggregates your key social networks through one interface which has two modes: widget mode and full screen mode. It also includes a feature to broadcast a message to all your social networks, and improved security.  


Linpus is displaying the full range of its products at B126 in Hall 2 of MWC. 


About Linpus Technologies, Inc. Linpus ( has worked on open source solutions across numerous platforms and products, garnering a reputation for engineering excellence as well as highly intuitive user interfaces. Our netbook operating system, Linpus Lite, is the choice of several of the world’s largest computer manufacturers, making it the leading product in the netbook space.Linpus and the Linpus logo are trademarks of Linpus Technologies, Inc.  Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.